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Kim Hamer Bio

On April 16, 2009, Kim Hamer witnessed her 44-year-old husband take his last breath. The outpouring of support from their coworkers, bosses, friends, and family during his illness and following his death left an indelible impression on her.

As an HR leader, Kim recognized death's profound impact on work. Leaders are ill-equipped to lead grieving teams, HR is not prepared to support leaders, and employees have no direct support in managing their own grief at work. All of this causes a negative impact on engagement, mental health, and a company’s revenue.
Using her personal and professional experience, Kim founded Workplace Grief, a wellness platform for leaders, HR, and employees. It’s a one-stop shop for grief in the workplace.

Kim is the author of "100 Acts of Love: A Girlfriend's Guide to Loving Your Friend Through Cancer or Loss," an invaluable must-have life guide offering practical tips to support employees or friends experiencing life’s little “hiccups.” As a captivating speaker, Kim’s stories empower audiences to navigate the complexities of life, fostering a culture of compassion and resilience in both personal and professional spheres.
To learn more about Workplace Grief at

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  • book purchases

  • supporting a friend or family member around cancer, loss or other life hiccups

  • Speaking to organizations that support cancer, loss, or other life hiccups 



  • death in the workplace

  • supporting leaders of grieving teams  

  • Workplace Grief employee support platform

  • Corporate conversations around death and grief at work 

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